Data OpenStream API Quickstart

This guide will walk you through how to subscribe your devices' messages as well as how to send a command to a specific device, using Eclipse Mosquitto’s CLIs to subscribe or publish messages.



Browse, navigate to "User -> Organization -> Secret Credentials", create a full access "Access Key", set down it as <Password>, and also "Organization ID" as <OrgID>.

Receive Devices' Messages

Let’s listen for all of your devices' messages.

  1. Open a terminal window and execute the following command.

mosquitto_sub \
    -h \
    -t '/device_sensor_data/<OrgID>/+/+/+/+' \
    -u 'org-<OrgID>' \
    -P '<Password>' \
    -I 'org-<OrgID>-quickstart' \

You should replace <OrgID> and <Password> with the ones you set down from "Credentials".

2. Power up devices, while devices keep sending messages, you should see outputs like:

/device_sensor_data/xxxx/2CF7F12XXXXXXXXX/1/2CF7F13XXXXXXXXX/4105 {"value":0,"timestamp":1544151824139}
/device_sensor_data/xxxx/2CF7F12XXXXXXXXX/1/2CF7F13XXXXXXXXX/4097 {"value":23,"timestamp":1544151900992}
/device_sensor_data/xxxx/2CF7F12XXXXXXXXX/1/2CF7F13XXXXXXXXX/4101 {"value":101629,"timestamp":1544151901112}
/device_sensor_data/xxxx/2CF7F12XXXXXXXXX/1/2CF7F13XXXXXXXXX/4098 {"value":71,"timestamp":1544151900992}
/device_sensor_data/xxxx/2CF7F12XXXXXXXXX/1/2CF7F13XXXXXXXXX/4099 {"value":69.12,"timestamp":1544151902224}
/device_sensor_data/xxxx/2CF7F12XXXXXXXXX/1/2CF7F13XXXXXXXXX/4100 {"value":437,"timestamp":1544151922137}

It shows each data collected by sensors, with Device EUI , Device Channel, Sensor EUI, Measurement ID, Measurement Value, and timestamp, see the reference for more details.

Subscribe a Specific Field

You can also subscribe a specific field in the topic, so that you could get the data from a single device, or a single channel.

mosquitto_sub \
    -h \
    -t '/device_sensor_data/<OrgID>/2CF7F12XXXXXXXXX/#' \
    -u 'org-<OrgID>' \
    -P '<Password>' \
    -I 'org-<OrgID>-quickstart' \

You should replace <OrgId> and <Password> with what you got from "Credentials", and replace 2CF7F12XXXXXXXXX with the Device EUI you own.

🎉 Congratulations! Now you know how to monitor and receive messages via MQTT. Go build something awesome!

Last updated

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